Happy New Year! I hope 2009 is the beginning of a fantastic year for you. If, like me, you’re thinking that 2008 passed by in the blink of an eye and you were just too busy to accomplish some of the things you were hoping to, then now’s the time to resolve to bring more of what you desire into your life.  Personally, I’m looking to achieve more balance in my life, giving myself more time for exercise and play.  I plan to do that by affirming my intention. As discussed in my editorial column in the Winter 08 issue, I believe that by repeating an affirmation you will cause a yet-to-manifest outcome to become a reality. I used this same practice to help me make Modern Dog magazine a reality. To read my Success affirmation or to learn more about affirmations in general, click here.  

Good luck and may all your dreams come true.