Dog Life

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Dog Culture For You

Hook Up & Chase Tail

The growing dog sport of Canicross is winning dog lovers with an alluring blend of the outdoors and social interaction

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Nutrition Shop The Goods Wellness
Best Dog Supplements of 2024
{Sponsored} This comprehensive list explores the best supplements of 2024 for d... More
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Wellness The Goods Shop
Best Toys for Heavy Chewers
{Sponsored} Finding the best toys for heavy chewers is essential for keeping yo... More
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Dogification The Goods Shop
Stuff We Love - Spring/Summer 2024
Modern Dog staffers’ picks of the litter!
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The Goods Gear Shop
Cool New Finds - Spring/Summer 2024
The coolest new dog finds for you and your pooch!
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Dog Culture
8 Interesting Dog Facts

Fascinating dog trivia and little-known canine facts

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An Unlikely Superhero

Cole, a deaf rescue pitbull inspires acts of kindness

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Unlikely Besties
These unusual interspecies friendships will warm your heart!
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No Pet Should Go Hungry

Feeding the Pets of the Homeless has an inspiring mission to help unhoused pets.

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This Man and His Dog Spent Seven Years Walking the World
  Best dog-walk ever. On May 21, 2022, Tom Turcich became the tenth ... More
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One Big-Hearted Guy, 99 Little Dogs
As a former bodybuilder with a bald head and countless tattoos, Bobby Humphr... More
Foster dog looking lovingly up at person petting them
10 Reasons to Foster a Dog

10 reasons you should defnitely foster a dog. 

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Amazing Veranica and her Talented Poodles Steal the Show on America's Got Talent!
Have you been watching the latest season of America's Got Talent? The judges... More
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iFetch and iDig Toys
In Partnership with iFetch Does your pup love to play fetch or dig holes in y... More
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Dog Steals False Teeth, Cracks Up The Internet
Toothy Thomas and his stolen set of teeth is the laugh you need today
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Hope for Jumping Bean

Pit Bull Terrier jumps and skips for joy after being rescued from an abandoned, filthy basement by the Stray Rescue of St. Louis. She is later dubbed Jumping Bean for her cute wiggling and jumping! Check out the video here.

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Off the Leash Animated Episodes

Rupert Fawcett's "Off the Leash" is an amazingly realized, accurate depiction of a life spent with our sweet, loyal canine friends. Featuring the secret thoughts and conversations of dogs, the series celebrates dogs for everything they are. We can't get enough of it!

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The Queen of the Strays

Lya Battle is working to help hundreds of stray dogs in Costa Rica

Celebrity Dogs
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Maxine the corgi
Maxine Gets a Job
Maxine, an adorably floofy Corgi, has amassed 5.5 million followers. Now, she has her sights set on publishing
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Unlikely Besties
These unusual interspecies friendships will warm your heart!
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Snoop Doggie Doggs

Snoop Dogg’s new pet accessory line brings Compton to canines.

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The Queen’s Dogs

A look at Elizabeth II’s lifelong love affair with Corgis

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Chihuahua Sets a Guinness World Record as the Oldest Living Dog

21-year-old Chihuahua TobyKeith is living the good life in Florida

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Short Spine Dog Stands Tall

“Frog dog” Ivy takes social media by storm!

Daily Bark
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The Vet for “Other” Pets

This vet is an expert in non-traditional pets. 

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Bobi, the World’s Oldest Dog Ever, Dies Aged 31

The record-breaking Portuguese pup passed at age 31

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SuperZoo 2023 Is Here!

We can’t wait to see what SuperZoo 2023 has in store for us this year!  Don’t miss checking out our list of “Must Visit” booths below:

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Bobi, World’s Oldest Dog, Turns 31

Bobi, World's Oldest Dog, Turns 31

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Sneak Peek: Modern Dog's Spring 2023 Issue is Here!
Ah, puppies. Adorable or incorrigible? Depends on your perspective—and you... More
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Are You Ready For Global Pet Expo 2023?
It’s Live and In-Person: March 22-24, 2023, in sunny Orlando, Florida
Dog Culture
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Hook Up & Chase Tail
The growing dog sport of Canicross is winning dog lovers with an alluring blend of the outdoors and social interaction
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8 Interesting Dog Facts

Fascinating dog trivia and little-known canine facts

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Tiny Dog Stories - Spring/Summer 2024
Dog love in short form: miniature, reader-submitted dog stories of no more than 100 words.
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Guess the Breed Mix!
DNA test kits provide fascinating—and useful—insight into your dog’s ancestry and genetics
Maxine the corgi
Maxine Gets a Job
Maxine, an adorably floofy Corgi, has amassed 5.5 million followers. Now, she has her sights set on publishing
dog sitting in the clouds
Pet Loss Resources
Losing a beloved dog is never easy, and for many of us the grief can seem un... More
The Goods
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Best Dog Supplements of 2024
{Sponsored} This comprehensive list explores the best supplements of 2024 for d... More
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Best Toys for Heavy Chewers
{Sponsored} Finding the best toys for heavy chewers is essential for keeping yo... More
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Stuff We Love - Spring/Summer 2024
Modern Dog staffers’ picks of the litter!
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Cool New Finds - Spring/Summer 2024
The coolest new dog finds for you and your pooch!
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Best Dry Dog Food of 2024
{Sponsored} This curated selection of the best dry dog food of 2024 pri... More
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Toys! Toys! Toys!

Essential dog toys to suit every play style

Latest Articles
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Dog Culture

Picture it. The rolling lawns of a Beverly Hills estate in California decked with tables for a posh afternoon English tea party. Chilled champagne with a plump strawberry is the drink du jour and the sounds of social chitchat and laughter are offset by a string quartet providing background mood music. Suddenly, a red convertible zooms up the driveway and out jumps a boisterous Golden Retriever barking madly. He rushes to the nearest white Iceberg rose bush and lifts his leg, narrowly missing the cellist. His pet parent, after handing her car keys to the valet, ambles over, pats her pup on the head and tells him to "go play" before heading off to greet her hostess and mingle with the other guests.

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Dog Culture

Family dynamics today are more complex than just Mom plus Dad plus two children. Many people are divorced or opt for a single lifestyle. Others remain childless, by chance or by choice. It is a lifestyle that makes close family relationships the exception rather than the norm. Into this void step our dogs, ready and willing to accept all offers of adoration and spoiling. More than simply companions, dogs are considered children in many households. So it follows that a fur kid's family tree branches out to include aunties, uncles, cousins, and, of course, the ultimate dispenser of spoiled affection-grandparents.

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Dog Culture

Most people are interested in how intelligent their dog is. While there are predictable differences based upon the dog's breed (for example, Border Collies are a lot smarter and more trainable than Bulldogs), there is a lot of variability within each breed. This means that some Border Collies might be rather slow-thinking, while some Bulldogs might be college material. There are some well-documented tests for the general mental abilities of dogs (such as the one described in my book, The Intelligence of Dogs), and all such tests include measures of a dog's memory.

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Dog Culture

Water cooler conversation is changing these days. "Rex's breath reeks of liver." "I know, he's so delicious. But could he have his head any further up Buster's butt? I mean, come on!" "Now, now, don't get your hackles up. He's just bucking for a promotion to top dog." First they were pets. Then they were family members. Now they're becoming colleagues. Dogs in the workplace are an increasingly common phenomenon. As dog lovers, we welcome this advance. But does your pet really belong in the office? With a little planning, a good portion of common sense, and sensitivity to your colleagues, the answer is a resounding "Yes!"

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Daily Bark

AFEW SECONDS WAS ALL IT TOOK FOR CHIHUAHUA PUP LUPÉ TO SLIP OUT THE DOOR AND INTO THE hands of an opportunistic thief. She was at work in Vancouver with owner Emily Olmstead when the door was accidentally left ajar. Despite Emily's swift action to find her, Lupé's whereabouts are still a mystery.

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Dog Culture For You

Apartment's too small? Boyfriend's allergic? Perhaps just not down with de-pooping the backyard? Whatever the reason, if you or someone you know is simply not ready to become a full-time dog parent, peruse the following list of alternatives for people looking to cram some dog-time into an otherwise (sniff) dogless existence.

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It was seven years ago that I first encountered the teachings of Eckhart Tolle. I was at a crossroads in my life, unemployed and searching for the next path I should take. I decided to enroll in an entrepreneurial course and it was there, sitting in that classroom, that I first heard a passage from The Power of Now. I'll never forget the words, as I knew without a doubt that something very significant had happened to me. I went out and bought The Power of Now, followed by several of Tolle's other books. I keep them close at hand and frequently refer to them. I never put one down without having gained deeper insight into myself, my relationships, and the world around me.

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Dog Culture Play

Brio is currently one of Canada's top dogs in agility, a wildly popular canine sport that requires dogs to run a course of jumps, ramps, tunnels, and other special obstacles like the weave poles and the teetertotter. The United States Dog Agility Association, just one of several bodies that organize agility events, represents more than 100 affiliated groups and reports more than 20,000 registered competitors throughout North America, Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Bermuda, and places as far-flung as Spain and Japan. Agility competitors are timed and those with the least "faults" such as knockdowns or other errors, combined with the fastest time win "legs" toward agility titles as well as placement ribbons in their class.

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Celebrity Dogs

Ellen talks rescuing coyotes, blazing trails, and mouth-to-mouth on a sparrow

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Dog Culture

1. Make the switch once and for all to biodegradable dog poo bags. What are you waiting for?

2. Order ecologically sound dog beds and organic, pesticide free dog food from or, sites specializing in environmentally friendly pet supplies.

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