
St. Bernard

Meet Yogi

Yogi is a pedigree/pure bred St. Bernard that is four (4) years old that has a kind and gentle disposition. He is often referred to as having a "kindred spirit". Adults sense and comment on his "Old Soul" demeanor. His playful/gentle and protective behavior is at the core of his overall charm. This personality type makes him a favorite in the company of children of all ages. Children are at the top his "favorite things" list which supersedes even that of food, and we all know how much dogs love food. Every pet owner has (of course) only grand and wonderful things to say about their pet(s) and love their pets unconditionally and rightfully they should. Yogi's entry in Modern Dog Magazine is submitted with the approval of his owner Valerie Sanders, at the suggestion of a combined group of the owners friends (myself being one of them - I am Sean) to Valerie the owner that Yogi's photo and a brief bio describing the wonderful features this Dog possess would be a great addition to/join the other fantastic entries here at Modern Dog Magazine. Here again are a few of Yogi's favorite things.... children, fun (of course), walks, airplanes, food, his owner (of course), a chair (like a human) vs. a doggy mat, attention, people, cars, sitting in the drivers seat of a car perhaps, pretending he can drive, being loved, other pets/animals, chewies, nurturing, being petted, being the protector, playing, running, being dressed up, Halloween, His Birthday, presents, the ocean and even having his picture taken. In fact he has been photographed so many times (not just by the owner - I am guilty as well) - his photo archive needs it's own zip code. Laugh out loud. No kidding.

Facts About Me
  • Age 4 years
  • Nicknames My Saint Yogi
  • Dislikes Can't think of anything
  • Foods Chicken, Yogurt, Dog food
  • Pastimes Children, Fun, Walks, Airplanes, Food, His owner, His own chair, Attention, People, Cars, Pretending he can drive, Being loved, Other pets/animals, Chewies,
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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