Puggle (Pug x Beagle)


Tucker is one of a kind. We adopted him when he was just 1.5 years old. Although rough at the beginning, he has become such a fantastic addition to our family. Him and his brother Kingston (same age) are now best buddies & we couldn't ask for more. Tucker is a quirky little bugger and never ceases to make us laugh. This boy is so lazy that he could literally sleep all day if you let him. Every morning, he gets peeved when we wake up at 6am. If you ask him to get up to eat his breaky or even go out to pee, he will ignore you and bury himself deeper in his blankets. If you really force him to get up, he will, but as soon as he's gone out for his pee, he will run straight back into bed and not get up. Since he's crossed with the Beagle, that nose of his controls his life! That in itself gets him into lots of trouble. Let's just say that we've had laptops eaten and purses/workbags chewed through just so he could get to our lunch tupperware containers... In addition to this, he is the cuddliest dog we have ever encountered. He will literally sleep you on for 5 hrs straight if he could! Although annoying at times, we embrace it, as when we first adopted him, he had almost no emotion at all. Seeing his personality completely change and who he has become today is reward in itself for adopting this little man. We love him with all our heart.

Facts About Me
  • Age 4
  • Nicknames Tuck, Tucky, Tuckness & Poo Face
  • Dislikes Exercise.
  • Foods Snap Peas is like crack to him & will do anything for it! He also likes Cheese & Meat.
  • Pastimes Sleeping, cuddling, finding any spot where there's sunshine, lying on top of the hot tub cover where it's warm, eating, & stealing food.
Dogs Like Me
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  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
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