

Meet Pinkerton

On February 12, 2006 our little Einstein, B.J. died from liver cancer. B.J. stood for Binky junior, Binky being his predecessor. He was a fabulous dog with an intelligence that superseded every dog I have ever known before or since. He was a blend of Boxer and Great Dane. When his spirit left his body, something magical happened a few weeks later that I still have trouble wrapping my brain around. At that time our lives had been difficult. My mother had died recently along with another relative who past far too young for his years. Also included was another beautiful dog of ours and two lovely cats. It seemed to me that I was crying more than smiling and that began to wear on me. Soon after B.J.'s death, I decided to put in an ad in the Ottawa Citizen inquiring about purchasing a 5 month old fawn male puppy that was a blend of Boxer and Great Dane, never thinking that anything would come of it. You know what they say, anticipation is the spice to life. At that point I felt like all the spice had settled to the bottom of the barrel and my life had become very bleak. Unbeknownst to me the universe was listening and something very incredible was about to happen. The next day I opened my email to find a message from the SPCA in Brantford, Ontario that said, "We have exactly what you want". A picture was attached and it was indeed exactly what we wanted. Staring me in the face from my computer screen was a fawn Box/Dane 5 month old male puppy looking straight into the camera with a large fuzzy toy in his mouth. His name was Max and he had arrived at the shelter on February 12, 2006. My mouth dropped open and my heart skipped a beat. This was the only response we received from my ad. I immediately called the shelter and was informed that another person was also interested in this sweet little guy and if I was serious about being his owner, I had better fill in the application soon. My husband and I did just that and by 5 PM that same day our little Max who is now named Pinkerton, was ours. Keep in mind that Ottawa is about 350 miles from Brantford and we were more than willing to make the trip that coming weekend. When we saw Pinkerton for the first time it was love at first site. He was gorgeous with the sweetest disposition. He was obviously the favourite of the staff who didn't want to see him go, but knew in their hearts that it was in the pup's best interest. Some had tears in their eyes and how could you blame them. I took him for a walk and the bond started at that point and has increased with every day that followed. He was very happy to go home with us. It was as though he knew he was going home. When he met our female dog, Rebel, it was again, an instant bond and they are to this very day delighted to be together. Rebel showed him the rules of play, her toys and her backyard. She showed him how to strip sticks off of trees and dig for moles. It was a wonderful experience watching as Pinkerton learned and mimicked her every move. My eyes filled with tears of joy and sadness, but the best part was the gift that the world had given us. It gave us the realization that hope is always just around the corner if you have the will to look for it. To be able to believe in the unbelievable. And that would be that B.J. was and still is with us.

Facts About Me
  • Age 4 years old
  • Nicknames Pinky
  • Dislikes being left alone
  • Foods chicken
  • Pastimes playing with his red bone
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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