
Toy Poodle

Meet Desmond

Desmond is 9 years old and was born in the States but is now a North London poodle. He is quite popular here as the toy poodle is rarely seen in the UK. Most people think he is a young pup. He is full of life and loves all the beautiful neighborhood parks here. He travels in a backpack when I go on public transport or need to get somewhere quickly through town. He's so little I don't want him to get trampled on. He loves his backpack and jumps in himself and enjoys the view as we go through town on my kick scooter. He's quiet, warm, and just happy that he gets to go with me. Most folks don't see him when he is in the backpack right away, or think he is a stuffed animal until he moves. There is never a time we go out where someone doesn't fuss over him, and the phrase I hear most is, "Did you see that dog in the bag?"

Facts About Me
  • Age 9
  • Nicknames Desy
  • Dislikes hates being left behind
  • Foods Cheese, Bacon, and green olives
  • Pastimes licking his tennis balls and laying in a sun spot
Dogs Like Me
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
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