
Boston Terrier

Meet Carder

Carder is my daughter's dog. He is named for "Carter" from the "Rush Hour" movies, but the rule in the house is that the dogs have to be named after flowers. So "Carder" is named after the cardamine bulbosa, a spring cress. He is two years old and is the best little helper-dog there is. He is always tagging along, helping with yardwork, housework, anything. He loves to play ball, too, but his favorite thing is bugging "the girls". "The girls" are Carder's sister Lily, and the matriarch of the clan, Daisy, who is eleven. The mischevious look in his eye makes me think that he should be wearing one of those little beanie-style hats with the propeller on it. The picture here shows that he is able to pose like a gentleman, as well.

Facts About Me
  • Age 2
  • Nicknames Big Boy, Balbosa, C-Dog, Bubs, Bubsy
  • Dislikes vacuum cleaner
  • Foods Daisy's hypoallergenic dog food, fruit, vegetables
  • Pastimes playing ball, walks, standing on the step overseeing his kingdom
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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