
Golden Retriever

Meet Baxter

Baxter is a 10 month old Golden Retriever Puppy that I adopted about 4 weeks ago after searching online for golden rescues and such... Five families were wanting to adopt him, and I sent in a true story of how I saved a littler of 12 Golden Retirever Puppies very, very sick with Parvo. I set up a "hospital" in my house, had 12 little puppy charts, and I did not leave their sides for about 10 days and saved them all! The VET was shocked! They were not expected to live... Baxter is now my companion and goes everywhere with me. He makes people smile where ever we go and I am told everyday that he is a very special dog. My name is Alice Kunka and I am starting a local wellness community center in Cave Creek, AZ. I am going to train "Baxter Boy" as a Therapy Dog so we can visit hospitals and such and he and make a difference in someone's day just by bringing him around.

Facts About Me
  • Age 10 Months
  • Nicknames Baxter Boy
  • Dislikes Getting in trouble
  • Foods Puppy Chow
  • Pastimes Making people smile
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
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