This weekend we had the first real snowfall of the year, so we all bundled up and headed out for a romp in the frosty white stuff (except for Chance who does NOT do snow). I was delighted as this afforded me with an excuse to try out Cash’s new coat and make use of Roxy’s favourite sweater, much to Jeremy’s dismay. Although we don’t usually dress up our dogs, I felt it was only fair to offer them the same protection from the cold that we had. However, Jeremy was convinced that people would look at us like we were crazy. As we walked down the snow-covered sidewalk towards the park, we passed a family with the dad toting multiple sleds and discarded snowsuits. "That guy definitely thinks I’m a loser", Jer assumed. "Well if that was the case he’d be a loser, too because he’s carrying his daughter’s neon pink snow pants. We all have our crosses to bear", and so we carried on. 


The excursion also gave us the chance to try out the new leashes I just got from Wacky Walk’r. Anyone who’s been dragged on their bottoms through a mud puddle by an overzealous dog in front of a group of laughing school kids knows the value of these stretchable leashes. Made from durable rubber in a variety of awesome colours, they’ll reduce the strain on your dog’s neck and your worn out shoulder, even if a particularly fetching poodle happens across your path.

Most importantly, the covering of snow forced us off the couch and out of the house despite the dropping temperatures. Luckily for us, the dogs’ paws started to get chilly so they were happy to head back home after a while, attracting many compliments along the way for their stylish winter wear. In fact, a group of teenaged boys were particularly impressed with Roxy’s coordinating neon pink leash and sweater, noting that she was a "bad-ass" dog. You’d better believe she is.