Celebrity Dogs

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Celebrity Dogs

One soy latté and a dash of Honey

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Celebrity Dogs

Young brings campy quick wit, a penchant for bursting into show tunes, and something even more heart-warming to his courtroom: a passion for animal rights.

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Celebrity Dogs

A rising star and her dogs

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Celebrity Dogs

While Cesar Millan’s methods have sometimes attracted controversy and differ in approach from those of our own Fab Five, one thing we can all agree on is that he has made the relationship between people and dogs a household discussion. Whether one condones or condemns his approach, his mass appeal is undeniable.

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Celebrity Dogs

Adults, Kids, Even Dogs… Everyone Loves Her

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Celebrity Dogs

“On one level,” says Grogan, “my book is about a couple with a dog, but on another level, it really explores a couple trying to figure out what’s important in life and what really matters on our journey. This big crazy dog really led us to realize that the real goal is happiness and you find that at home and you find that with your family.”

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Celebrity Dogs

I live in Vancouver, a city with a certain pride in being dubbed Hollywood North. The shooting of hit productions is so commonplace that long chains of industry-related trucks and trailers are a regular fixture of our cityscape. But it’s not the catering vans and gaffer-types that cause the most excitement. It’s—we’ll admit it —those “guess-who-I-just-saw!” celeb bump-ins.

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Celebrity Dogs

Due to my family’s benevolently neglectful parenting style, Jamie Lee Curtis entered my life at an early age, likely too early by most therapists’ standards, given the vehicle to our introduction was the horror movie Halloween. As such, I now have the nerves of a tormented puppy-a love of all things Jamie Lee.

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Celebrity Dogs

I'M NOT FEELING WELL WHEN I ANSWER THE PHONE. It's that season, I suppose. The one that can leave you talking through your nose-freezing with unexplained shivers in one stuffed breath, and sweating like a UFC fighter in the next. Basically, it's a day that reminds me how grateful I am to have a work-fromhome gig that sees mismatched Old Navy pajamas and a Lululemon headband as formalwear.

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