
Pitt Bull-Mastive

Meet Ralphie

Ralphie is our gentle giant, people are so afraid of him purely because of his mass and he is just a big slobbery sweet heart. He is a shelter dog we rescued him 2 years ago from the Santa Clara Human Society before we relocated to TX. He loves playing with the kids and while he has no perimeter protection in his nature, when my husband works nights he is always standing in front of me and he is 150lbs.! He refuses to leave my side it is very sweet. We have two kids 5 and 4 and he plays with them all day long. When my son is in school my daughter will lock him in her room and cover him with dolls he is so amazingly patient with her. The kids ride him like a horse. Ralphie loves to sleep in, he has an oversized dog bed at the foot of ours and not only does he snore he dreams so loud and ridiculously my husband and I have spent many nights laughing at him. You know that Ralphie is your friend if he sits on your foot and leans into you, he would climb on your lap if he didn’t know that was against the rules. We think that the large beast of a family dog is beautiful! We love our pup!

Facts About Me
  • Age 3 and 1/2
  • Nicknames Ralph, Ralphinator, Chunk, Ralphie-Bear
  • Dislikes Being away from his family, bugs, ntbeing able to play with animals he sees on the street from the car, being scolded
  • Foods Cheese, whatever I burn :), whatever the kids drop
  • Pastimes Playing with his little sister Sadie 3-month-old ernese Mountain Dog, being with us, swimming, hunting and eating flies,playing ball, wresting with my husband
Dogs Like Me
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  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
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