

Meet Lola

Lola is a 8 week old pug. She is the cutest pug ever! Her birthday is April 22, 2012. She has her own page on Facebook that she shares with her brother Kong. It is called Pug Hugs. She likes to help me pick out clothes in the morning. Lola enjoys goign shopping at PetSmart, Petco, Doggie Couture, GlamourDog, and my stores (to help me pick out clothes). Lola hopes to either become a doggie model, a doggie actress, a doggie agility master, or just a stay at home lap dog. Lola wants to be a doggie model because even at 8 weeks old she sits, stays, poses, and gets all excited when the camera comes out. She wants to be a doggie actress because she likes watching tv anyway and when the commercials come on she stares the the ones for PetMeds and Dog bones because of the dogs on them. She wants to do agility because she was watching Too Cute one day and saw the other pugs doing it and she thought that it looked fun and that she could do it too and get some exercise. She wants to be a lap dog because she loves people so much and loves to fall asleep on their laps. Lola is the sweetest, cutest, and funniest dog I know. Her famous "trick" is the pug head tilt. Make any weird noise and you just see her head going from side to side. Every time you see her you can't wait until next time because she is just so sweet.

Facts About Me
  • Age 8 weeks
  • Nicknames Girl, Baby, Sweetie
  • Dislikes Loud squeaky toys
  • Foods Doggie treats
  • Pastimes Watching tv and playing with me
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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