Ganache Marie du Chocolat de Saint Germain


Meet Ganache Marie du Chocolat de Saint Germain

Ganache Marie is the best behaved pet we have ever had. Ever since she was a puppy she's been featured in newspaper articles about pets, pet behavior and animal welfare in general and thanks to her composure the shootings go smoothly and fast! She adores my husband and her favorite treat is bread. She worships our housekeeper because she always brings a fresh loaf of bread when she comes to work. Ganache also loves her daily routines and is not too fond of drastic changes in her daily life.

Facts About Me
  • Age 10.5 years
  • Nicknames Girich, Mariposita( little butterfly), Bomboncito (piece of candy)
  • Dislikes People who yell or make too much gestures, pets who are disorderly and rambunctious, burnt toast or crackers that are too crunchy
  • Foods Bread, broccoli & cauliflower (all vegetables, really, including mushrooms, potatoes and yams)
  • Pastimes Her 1.5 hour daily walk every morning at 6:30 a.m., riding in the car, looking out the balcony, sleeping in her special corners of the house
Dogs Like Me
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  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
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