This weekend I gave Roxy and Cash their bi-annual baths. That’s right, twice a year. We’re a rough and tumble crew so they get clean by swimming in creeks and rubbing themselves on the grass. Roxy and Cash don’t love their baths, but they’ll stand relatively still while I hose them down and scrub them up.


As you can see, Cash doesn’t like being wet unless it’s on his own terms.

Getting toweled off is not his favourite, either.

Roxy doesn’t like the slippery tub and the noisy showerhead…

but she likes the opportunity to get a good deep tissue massage.

In case you hadn’t noticed, Roxy’s towel reads "Hers". Yes, Roxy has her own monogramed towel. Such is the life of a Modern Dog.

After gettin’ his hair did, Cash felt FTD (fresh to death), so he and I decided to hit the town and have a "Mommy and Cash" day spent at a local hockey game. More details and pics to come later this week…:)