Dog moms seem to get all the attention, but dog dads are pretty darn great. Here's to all the doggie daddies out there that give up the best part of the sofa, scoop the poop, undertake the inclement weather walks, and find themselves pushed to the far side of the bed by a dog hogging the covers. Your devotion makes you even more lovable.


Tawmis & Odin


John & Gracie


Corey & Marty


Calvin & Colby


Wayne & Obi


Drew & Chelsea


Eric & Hailey


Joshua with Mama, Rollo & Blu


Joey & Cheeno


Josh & Malu


Nick & Marzipan


Jed & Zena


Rich & Miss Molly


Jose & Chula


Steve & Maggie


Frederick & his Dachshund Duo


Looking to wish your dad or a dog dad you know a Happy Father's Day? Send him one of these free e-cards, courtesy of Modern Dog.