Lily and the Octopus by Steven Rowley is a magical adventure of the heart that is the “must read” for any animal lover this summer.

Starring a special little Dachshund named Lily who loves ice cream, snuggling, and her precious red ball, Lily and the Octopus captures the dog and human connection as few books ever have before while redefining the classic phrase “man’s best friend.”

Ted Flask, Lily’s human, is at his lowest point after a failed relationship and a stalled career has turned him into a couch potato. The only thing that brings Ted any happiness is his tail-wagging Doxie, who always seems to know the right time and place for a nuzzle and ALWAYS knows when it’s treat time (spoiler: it’s all the time). As Lily coaxes Ted from his funk, she’s met with her own challenge, codenamed “the Octopus.” Together, dog and human go to extraordinary lengths to ward off the Octopus and show the world what love really means.

Be ready to laugh. Be ready to cry. But, most importantly, be ready to love on June 7th!

“A story that will stick with devoted pet people for a long time, maybe forever.” –The Richmond Times-Dispatch

Watch a video or buy the book!

Visit or connect with him on Twitter & Instagram @MrStevenRowley.

Lily Octopus