How-to Talk to Animals

When I was a kid I loved the television show Mr. Ed. It was a show about a horse that could talk. I loved horses and I really loved that Mr. Ed could speak his mind. I also felt a little jealous because I knew I could hear Mr. Ed better than Wilbur. I watched that show every week. I was glued to the television set.

Next, I saw the movie Doctor Dolittle and I was really jealous. Why was this man getting all this credit for talking with animals? It wasn’t that hard. To me it felt normal. I wanted my own show.

Worse yet, Wilbur and Doctor Dolittle were missing a key element; neither of them put their hands on the animals to make them feel good. They simply chatted. I knew more than they did! I was nine years old.

Fast forward thirty-some-odd years later, and I can still—and do—talk with animals.

So just who can talk to animals? We all can. Most people are already communicating with their pets on some level; they just don’t give themselves any credit. “Lilly, come, sit, and stay”—this is simple animal communication. Your dog understands what you are saying and shows it to you by responding. 

By trusting your intuition and practicing a few simple techniques, you too will be conversing with your pets. We animal communicators are regular people, just like everyone else. Some people are good at math, science, and the arts and some people are good at talking to animals and doing energy work. There are many amazing communicators helping animals all over the world. I want to demystify the process.

Animals talk to us through sending us thoughts, feelings, and pictures, like snap shots that just pop into our heads. Sometimes when working with a client I’ll get a feeling that isn’t my own, it may be a stressful feeling or happiness will come over me, or a thought will pop into my head. It may not make sense to me, but it usually hits home with their guardian. I always trust that the information is coming from my four-legged client and that’s when the conversation gets rolling.

Yes, it is that simple. You can practice on your friend’s pets. Have them email you a picture. Reading from pictures is easy. You have a captive audience. Simply ask the photo easy questions, like what’s your favourite food, where do you like to sleep or what is your favourite toy. Write down their responses. Talking to animals is easy when you trust the intuitive voice in your head. Next you will need to quiet the voice in your head that says only special people can talk to animals. You can program your brain to learn to ignore any thoughts that are negative. We are who we think we are and by screening our thoughts we can be anyone we want to be, including an animal communicator. If animals are your passion you will learn to talk to them on a deeper level.

The next technique is a “hands on” practice. I started using this technique when I was nine. Rub your hands together, give a clap, and then hold them about an inch apart. Can you feel the warm tingling energy? Now play around with the energy in the palm of your hands. See if you can get your hands to feel hot like you are holding a fireball.

Be patient and focus on your breath. Once you feel the warmth, place your hands over your face and then, with a light touch, slowly move your hands down to your neck, throat, shoulders, chest, stomach, and abdomen.

By first practicing on ourselves we learn the calming effect of energy work. It will also help us to develop our intuition. Practice this progression on your pet. They may be surprised at the difference in your hands and walk away, but trust me they will learn to love the energy and will come back for more. You will “hear” their voices, “more please!” I have worked with thousands of animals and they all love it. With practice, we can all talk to animals. Animal communication and energy work is easy to learn and can help all your pets in all stages of life.

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