Tiny Dog Stories—Spring 2022

Lady & the Tramp

Tramp, the wolf-like Husky we rescued from the street, became my fierce guardian, gatekeeper, and matchmaker after my divorce. He screened my dates by snarling when his instincts detected a Mr. Wrong, saving me a lot of grief. On my first date with Jim, I had to leave them together for a minute to take a call. I returned quickly, half expecting the man to be cowering in a corner, but he was happily giving my ecstatic pup belly rubs. When Jim proposed, Tramp welcomed him into the family and went from being my protector to Jim’s adoring companion.—Lucy Iscaro


Red is my Heart

Red, one of 11 unsocialized, terrified puppies of questionable parentage, was surrendered to a shelter by a backyard breeder. My rescue chose Red because he was the most frightened of the pack. After leaving other foster homes, Red came to live at my house. Red adored my husband and hated me! After a year of living with us, my husband passed away unexpectedly. Six months to the day after my husband passed, Red put his little paws on my knees and allowed me to pet him for the very first time. Still particular about his people, but he loves me!—Karen Conover



Years ago, I saved $3000, with which I was going to buy a used Porsche 944, my dream car. Then our dog Harry, a Cocker Spaniel, became ill with a heart condition. The specialist told us what we already knew: that our dog had a heart that was so very big. There was a chance that, with treatment and meds, he could have at least another six months. It cost us over $3,000, so I never got the Porsche. Our dog lived almost exactly six more months. I miss him every day.—Joseph A. Dewan


Believe in Magic

I never expected the challenges of adopting a Labrador Retriever would inspire me to write a book, but Magic led me on a road to self-discovery, testing my will to love him regardless of the consequences. When his determination to do things his way turned our family upside down, I wondered if I should give him up. But despite Magic’s destructive behaviour, I started to see his other characteristics—loving, protective, and loyal. We taught each other unexpected lessons that changed our lives forever. My emotional journey encouraged me to take a risk and believe in Magic and myself.— Amy Ahrensdorf


Lessons From Poppy

My Lakeland Terrier Poppy was the light of my life. When she died last year, I realized she had taught me much: Don’t apologize for your fierce passion(s). Rest when you’re tired. Growl when someone disrespects your boundaries. Ask for what you want when you want it. Learn to listen to other pack members, even though you might be the alpha. Snuggle as close as you can to those you love and trust. Honor your instincts. Be yourself. Everyone makes mistakes—don’t let yourself be shamed. Wag your tail when you’re happy—it might brighten someone’s day.— Nan Scarborough


Dry Cleaning

We used to take our dogs for indoor play sessions. The main rule was to be watchful that they behaved. One winter’s night, there was a lady sitting cross-legged on the floor wearing an oversized, thick sweater. Our Teddy Bear went running behind her, paused, and before we could stop him, lifted his leg and unloaded on her back. She was oblivious. We were mortified. My husband apologised profusely and offered to pay her dry-cleaning bill. She laughed, declined, and graciously said she had had worse things happen to that sweater. Kids—whadaya gonna do?—Cheryl Taylor


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