Tiny Dog Stories—Winter 2021


Inherited Happy Dog

Roxy, deaf and blind now, is almost 19 years old. She was my moms dog. Mom didnt want a dog, but at my urging we went to meet Roxy. It was love at first sight. Roxy was my moms peanut” and gave her a purpose for staying healthy for a long time. In February my mom passed away and Roxy and I grieved together. I frequently hold her and feel like I am holding a piece of mama with me. Her smile” is so cute and so joy filled, it never fails to make me smile.Kerrie Larson





Joie de Vivre is Boomer

When Boomer needs to go out at night, she is happy. When shes going for a walk, shes exuberant—all eagerness and smiles. When family from overseas arrived recently, she actually hyper-ventilated with joy. What makes Boomers infectious happiness and love of life so extraordinary is that she is 16 years old, deaf, and virtually blind. I can't help thinking that many humans can learn from this little dog—whatever your life is like, its the only one you have. It's up to you what you do with it.Salomi Odendaal




Silver Linings

Could things get any worse? My marriage almost ended when I brought two three-month-old Chihuahuas home after working at an event. I had to save them from going to the pound. Husband walked eight miles home he was so mad. Three other dogs already at home. One, sick with pancreatitis, vomited on the floor, and I slipped in it and broke/dislocated my ankle in three places creating a $100,000 medical bill. Husband out of work, us living on my retirement already. He had to take care of us all and ended up bonding with the new pups!Sharlene Plescia



Magnificent Mochi

I adopted eight-year-old Mochi, the Japanese Chin, from a rescue on November 22, 2014. Mochi was thought to be healthy, but I quickly noticed that she was very sick. She was diagnosed with bilateral, laryngeal collapse six weeks after the adoption and required a tracheostomy. Mochi and I had an amazing four years together. Although it was filled with breathing treatments, medications, and around the clock care, she thrived. She loved food, toys, car rides, and lounging on the patio. Mochi went to heaven on September 4, 2018, but will always live on in my heart and soul.—Mary Clare Houghes


Cleft Paw Cutie

My little cleft paw cutie,” is what I call my puppy, Alfie. At three-weeks-old, Alfie entered my home as a foster with his mama and nine siblings. Spoiler alert: he never left. Alfie is physiologically unique and this made finding him an adopter difficult. His front left leg is shorter than his other legs and the paw attached has three toes with two fused together. Alfie walks with an adorable hobble. He loves everyone he meets and vice versa. He radiates humor and happiness. We can all learn something from Alfie. Different is fun so live your authentic self.Victoria Lily Shaffer



Freya and Cosmo

Freyas time ran out at two shelters before she came to live with us. She was reactive and attacked other dogs. Then we brought a new rescue puppy home. Freya adopted Cosmo the day they met. She would leave kibble in her bowl for him to eat after he finished his own food. She tore up big cardboard boxes and gave him pieces to gnaw on. She let him win races and wrestling matches. She taught him doggie manners. We will never forget how our tough girl Freya became a protective, gentle and thoughtful dog mama to sweet little Cosmo.Jennifer Jones



Button Saves the Day

Button is spunky four-pound Yorkie who loves everyone she meets—dog, cat, and human. However, the miracle is how she saved me from a potentially devastating fire in my home. I work from home with Button on my lap. She sleeps until I take my headset off. One day she sat on my lap whining, barking, and digging at the computer. I was irritated with her until I noticed my power chord sparking and smoking where it plugs into the computer. Thanks to her, I stopped the fire before it started. Shes a miracle.Marci Watts





I cried with her head on my shoulder all the way home.”


Love At First Sight

Piper is my two-year-old Pomeranian. She is my love, my heart, and my best friend. She was shipped to me in Florida from Arkansas on an all-day journey, having been delayed in Texas for four hours due to bad weather. Finally, her crate slid down the airline chute. Talk about love at first sight. I cried with her head on my shoulder all the way home. Pure love in a little white furry package.” We have never been separated since.Deborah Gillert






Merlin the Migraine Wizard

Merlin is my 10-year-old blue merle Chihuahua. Weve been together since he was weaned. Merlin can tell when I have a migraine coming and herds” me to my medication. I used to have three to four major migraines a year, but I havent had any for years! Hes my hero.—Fawn Frazer









Peter Tater Tot

Once there was a tiny Chihuahua who was very, very little. He was taken from his mother way too early. I found him at a shelter. He only weighed two pounds at the time! I begged the shelter to let us adopt him. When I arrived to pick him up, they said, "Well, we figured since you alone asked us over and over for him, he was meant to be yours!” We have lived happily ever after ever since!—Jean Baldridge Yates











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