Three new DOGS LOVE KALE flavors, with all of the nutritional benefits of their first 5 flavors with organic human grade ingredients. Each is Wheat and Grain Free.
Chicka’: Chickpea flour, Organic Chicken, Kale, Blueberry, Flax, Rosemary. Moo-Moo: Chickpea flour, Organic Beef, Kale, Carrot, Flax, Rosemary. Gobblers: Chickpea flour, Organic Turkey, Kale, Sweet Potato, Flax, Rosemary

Dogs Love Kale is 100% sourced and certified made in the USA. No animal by-products are included, which makes this treat a clean and safe snack for your pup. 

Kale is a super antioxidant that contains essential vitamins including: beta carotene, calcium, vitamin K, vitamin C, and lutein. Kale and Flaxseed aids in making your dog's coat softer and shinier, with healthier skin underneath.