Get a FREE 2 oz. bottle of Bacon Spray for dry dog food while supplies last when you visit Flavored Sprays online at (A $4.99 Shipping and Handling charge is applied)

Flavored sprays are premium grade, all natural, holistic dog food toppers and flavor enhancers that add up to 150 mg of Omega 3 daily in addition to Vitamin E. This is available in five different flavors that are sure to please your pup! Flavored Sprays use all natural human grade ingredients and flavors in every bottle. These dog food toppers are great for picky eaters or dogs on restrictive diets of bland tasting food.

Flavored Sprays contain no artificial preservatives, thickeners or dyes, or protein. This product will not turn dry dog food mushy or soggy and does not need to be refrigerated. Simply apply 5 sprays to every meal for optimal health benefits of Omega 3. Not only does it taste great, but these dog food toppers also support a healthy skin and coat!

Each bottle of Flavored Sprays contains a blend of Chia seed oil, Flax seed oil, Virgin Olive oil, Canola seed oil, Soybean oil and natural flavorings. Our wholesome, holistic, vegan recipe does not contain any ingredients derived from animal sources. Our flavors are carefully created to produce the same aroma and flavor of real bacon, roast beef, roast chicken, peanut butter and cheddar cheese. You will appreciate and enjoy the convenience, ease of use and precise control over the application of the dog food topper to your pet’s food. Try Bacon Spray today. Dog’s love it!

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Flavored Sprays are made in the USA.