If you live in a warm and sunny clime right now, then I’m insanely jealous. OK, I love my Pacific Northwest rainforest climate most of the time, but right now we’re getting altogether too much snow… I want the rain back. The snow is beautiful and all (plus we had a white Christmas!), but it makes driving treacherous and it’s downright dangerous slipping and sliding along sidewalks and trails when you’re out for a dog-walk. After numerous near-falls, I remembered I had a pair of Yak Trax in the closet. My next dog-walk I pulled these light-weight, rubber and wire- mesh gizmo’s over the soles of my boots and I walked as sure-footed as a deer (or should I say Yak?). They are truly amazing, you can even run in them and maintain traction.  If you live in an area that gets snow or ice, you should invest in a pair, they’re well worth it. For more info check out the YakTrax website. Â