On September 21st, The Pet Industry Sustainability Coalition (PISC) joined some 400,000 people on the streets of New York City to support new global green house gas emission policies that will help keep the world from total Global Climate Change chaos. Carrying signs that read “Bark if you love your planet” PISC joined what is now officially the largest climate march in history and the biggest public demonstration to take place in the US over the last decade.

“Our primary audience is business-to-business so it was a nice change to engage with pet owners who expressed excitement to see the pet industry progressing toward a more sustainable model. People stopped us at every block to take pictures with us, or to show us a photo of their pet. Some tried to get as much information as possible even jumping into the march to walk with us for long enough to jot down the website for more information. As I looked around at the other picket signs that read ‘I am marching for sustainable farming’ or ‘I am marching for social justice’ it reminded me that there is no industry that escapes the same set of macro-sustainability issues. We need to synergistically build from the progress of each industry so that we can collaboratively climb the learning curve and serve as change catalysts across industries. Our mission at PISC is more relevant than ever and it is exciting to represent a growing grassroots movement!” –Caitlyn Bolton, Executive Director, PISC.