Meet Mr Bo Jangles
Hi! I'm Mr Bo Jangles, a rescue from a mill...I've come a long way but the trauma has still left some scars. I love love love to hike and walk in the woods, I love belly rubs and do the happy dance on the bed every morning. I love my pack and they have helped me overcome a lot of fears. Adopting is the way to go, all pups can be shown love and learn to trust again!
Facts About Me
- Age 8
- Nicknames Bo BOBO
- Dislikes loud noises, eating from a bowl , crates/cages
- Foods did I say mice? and cheese, and marrow bones
- Pastimes sitting outside on moms lap while Dad grills dinner! I love to gnaw on the corn cobs!
Comments (0)
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆
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