
Cocker Spaniel

Meet Blackie

Blackie is a very special dog who came to us a few years ago from a puppy mill. Blackie never knew love until he finally joined our family. Bring in his new home, Blackie slowley became used to people and discovered food. From a skinny bag of bones, Blackie put on weight...and a little too much. He is now on a regular maintenace diet and goes for walks everyday with his boy Oliver. Blackie suffered the loss of his best friend Maggie, our 16 years old Airdale. That's when Petey, a small scruffy cross pug,came into our lives and now is Blackies best mate. Although Blackie always looks sad, he is very happy to have a loving home, a soft bed and good food.

Facts About Me
  • Age Aprox. 8
  • Nicknames Blackster, Black, Bozo, Black Face
  • Dislikes thunderstorms, cats, eardrops and having his nails trimmed
  • Foods everything and anything
  • Pastimes chasing our cat, sleeping..sneaking food
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
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