

Meet Zoë

Zoë has an unforgettable personality. Everyone who know her says she's a human insides a dog's body. Never have I met or owned a dog who communicate like her & shows so much human type emotions. Zoe literally smiles, frowns, pouts, rolls her eyes when bratty, hugs, rings her doorbell to go bathroom & will actually do the same pee-pee dance a human would do when it's urgent. She wants & needs to be involved in all family activities. Heart of gold, but short of speaking she's 90% human & 10% K9.

Facts About Me
  • Age 3
  • Nicknames Sasquatch-she's tall & grew up to be larger than most large breeds (hard to find things that fit without being custom ordered) & Horsey- I could get a saddle for her to offer fun rides to children lol
  • Dislikes Strawberries, Birds, and being left out of anything (must be included at all times)
  • Foods Any kind of meat, snow, peanut butter, (honestly just but everything but strawberries)
  • Pastimes ANY time with Nana, Car rides, Walks, Fetch or ANY playtime, Playing in the snow &Watching Family Feud or Hudson & Rex
Comments (2)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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