Meet Xian
Xian is a 3-month-old pup. He's very loving, playful and protective. I'd say he's very loving because he always needs our affection and always kisses/licks us his owners.He has his own bed but he doesn't use it at night. He sleeps on the bed with me and my wife. He doesn't want to be left alone in his bed. He's playful and most of the time, he comes up to us and drops his toy to let us know that he wants to play with us. He's protective in his own little ways. Every time he hears someone knocking on the door or if he senses that someone's coming, he barks and acts brave! haha He may be only 3 months but he's already potty-trained. He goes by the glass door of our balcony and just sits there and wait for us to open it for him so he can take a piss.
- Age 3 months
- Nicknames Foo-foo, foofy head,
- Dislikes bath and hair brush
- Foods Any human food
- Pastimes Running around the house, fetch, tug-of-war
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆