Meet Walter
I rescued Walter when he had 3 days left to live because there was not enough room at the dog shelter. Thanks to I found my best friend. He is the most charming, handsome, sincere, and sensitive dog that I have ever met and I wouldn't change a thing about him. He loves sleeping with me in my bed, on my pillow...and thinks that my apartment is actually his. He loves to dump all of the toys out of the toy box just to select one. He is also a very odd dog...he will only use the restroom in a private and covered area, either a bush or flower pot...yes I am serious. He also crosses his legs often and will only mind if you speak to him as if he is human. He is the best secret keeper and never judges anyone. He loves everyone and only sees the good in others. Walter is the weirdest dog in the world and I wouldn't have him any other way.
- Age 3
- Nicknames Walt
- Dislikes Vacuums
- Foods Everything
- Pastimes Going for runs and sleeping in.
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆