Meet Twiggy
Twiggy is a 2 1/2 lb. Yorkshire Terrier who almost died at 9 weeks of age from LBS (Low Blood Sugar). She spent 10 days in the vets office being treated for this condition and when she came home she needed Dextrose every 2 hrs. round the clock for 1 week. The 2nd week it was every 4 hrs. and then every 6 hrs. till she was weaned off the Dextrose entirely. She has to be watched for LBS throughout her lifetime given her size but she has a good appetite and most of the time this isn't an issue at all anymore. She has the type of personality that NO ONE CAN FORGET HER ONCE THEY MEET HER. Everyone remembers Twiggy or the Twigster as she is called here at home. Twiggy is made of 2 1/2 lbs. of Pure Genuine Love and affection.
- Age 2 yrs. 9 months
- Nicknames Twig, Twigster,
- Dislikes Being Shaved and Blown Dry after a bath
- Foods Turkey/Chicken Treats I bake for my dogs.
- Pastimes Humping her Little Lion
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
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- 😻
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