Meet Spy Garcia
My dog spy just celebrated his first year being part of our family we love our dog very much....he is a sweetheart he act like and behave like human. when we are living him alone he is crying he want to go with us or if he knows someone left someone whose at home should tell spy that he is not alone for him to stop crying and when we return home he look for his "gift" a pasalubong from us he will open the bag and boxes to look for his gift... and he will not stop barking and wiggling his small tail if you will ignore him you have to kiss him or nose to nose just for him to stop its his way of saying "I miss you" he also eat what we eat from cake spaghetti ice cream and everything...he loves chewing ice..he sleep like a lion on his positioning..he don't like noise and he don't want to see anyone fighting he will join in for sure and will be an ally of his family member lol...that our beloved dog SPY GARCIA
- Age 1 year and 2 months
- Nicknames Spy Garcia
- Dislikes noise and fights among family member
- Foods ice and barbeque
- Pastimes picture taking he knows how to smile and pose
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆