Meet Shadow
Shadow is a pit bull rescue. He was beaten by his original owner and had traces of drugs in his system at only 7 weeks old!! He was 1 out of a litter of 9, but unfortunately the others were in worse shape and were put down. I adopted him immediately even though I had never owned a dog before and was intimidated at the fact that he was a pit bull. He wouldn't leave my side when I brought him home. Even when I would get in the shower he would try to climb in as well. Therefore, I named him Shadow. He is the sweetest dog you will ever meet. He has the biggest smile as you can see in this picture. A lot of people remark at how lucky he is to have found a good home, but I would like to think that I am the one that lucked out. Shadow has changed my life entirely.
- Age 3
- Nicknames Pumpkin face and monkey butt
- Dislikes squeaky toys 'cause they scare him
- Foods McDonald's McDoubles
- Pastimes loves hiking, especially along the Rio Grande in New Mexico
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆