Meet Rylee Wagner
Rylee was a rescue dog from a puppy mill ins Missouri. I rescued him at 2 years old. He was suppose to be a stud dog for a certified USDA breeder but was not good and was going to be euthanized. He did not have a name or any love. He was considered a number for the first two years of his life until I gave him a loving home. The first month was very hard. He didn't know what was going on, didn't know what humans were, and didn't know how to be a dog. Watching Rylee grow up the past two months have been amazing. He's developed a great personality, learned how to be a dog, and for a dog with not ever having love, he sure can give and take a lot. He loves people after working with him for a few months and has become a therapy dog. He loves going into nursing and retirement communities to soak up the free attention and put smiles on peoples faces. We are a certified Therapy Dogs International team and love working with people.
- Age 2
- Dislikes Loud dogs
- Foods Treats, Dingo bones
- Pastimes sleeping or distracting me from homework and studying
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆