
Golden Retriever/Shepard/Pinscher

Meet Rufus

Rufus was born March 19th, 2011; I had adopted him on June 25th through Tails of Courage, a non profit organization. He was sent to the shelter originally with his mother, brother, and sister. He was 15 pounds the day I go him, and now ways 45 pounds on the dot. He has a very lean figure and where ever we go someone says he looks like a fox, or a dingo. He definitely has a personality all his own. He can lay down with you all day, and just play with his toys, or will want to be outside all day with nothing but that. If you are not paying attention to him when he wants, after a couple minutes he will launch the pillows off your couch or bed using his nose. He is the most lovable, affection dog that when you arrive away from a 5 minute drive to the gas station, it is as crazy as if you were working for 4 hours; he jumps around and spins in circles throwing his arms around as if he is dancing. He also knows hand signals to sit, lay down, give me his left paw, or right paw; and can do them all in the craziest combination you can imagine, you even can make him catch himself when you see his mind is adapting to what he think is the pattern. He is one of kind and creates happiness to anyone he reaches.

Facts About Me
  • Age Born March 19th, 2011
  • Nicknames Rufus, Roofie
  • Dislikes Bubbles, Odd statues
  • Foods Anything he can get his hands on except for vegetables; he's basically a kid. He even can eat off a fork
  • Pastimes Sun Gazing, Hiking, Jumping in ponds, Riding in the car
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
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