

Meet Roxie

Roxie is the newest addition to our family, and although we knew she was sweet when we got her, we had to work out some issues like potty training, not chasing our pet ducks, getting along with another older dog and three cats, and not crashing into things from running too fast through the house! Fortunately, in a little over nine months, Roxie has done all that! Additionally, she has found a great playmate with our youngest cat, who she admittedly chases though the house, but this is not without him purposefully getting her to do it! She has learned to avoid and ignore the ducks, and has the softest mouth, even when playing with her toys! Her favorite sleeping spot is still upside down, paws in the air, between my husband and I!

Facts About Me
  • Age ~2
  • Nicknames Rox for Brains, Roxstar, Shadow dog
  • Dislikes baths, being away from her humans
  • Foods Yes!
  • Pastimes treats, chasing things, playing with toys
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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