Princess Talia


Meet Princess Talia

Talia was brought to me at 5 weeks of age and she was almost lifeless! She weighed only 4oz's.Her mommy had to have a c-section and was spayed at the same time.Talia was the only puppy that survived.Her Mommy did not supply any milk for her so she was not gaining weight. Her human mommy was not able to care for her so she brought her to me to hopefully help her. That was 10 months ago and through hourly tube feedings and bottle feedings around the clock and Lots of Love Talia is a healthy girl today!!She is now a voluteer along with her new human Mommy at local hospitals to visit sick children.She also is co Emcee at charity events and fundraisers.Her new Mommy is a Lucille ball look a like and her new wardrobe matches her Mommy!! Our favorite place to visit is at the Children's hospital for Cancer.You see her new human Mommy has Cancer too and she wants to help give back!! Please Vote for us!!

Facts About Me
  • Age 10 months
  • Nicknames Scuttle Butt,Cutie Pawtutie
  • Dislikes Being left home!
  • Foods Mommy's homemade Doggie Delicious Dog food
  • Pastimes Goingto Doggie events,Visit Sick children,snuggling with Mommy
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
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