Meet Princess Ginger
She is the sweetest puppy anyone can imagine owning.But she has to be treated very royally like a princess like she can't walk you have to carry her, you have to change her clothes everyday or else she will start to chew on her clothes, bathe her every week as she does not hates getting dirty, she has to go to toilet in a private place where no one can see her, will eat only chicken if it is boiled and seasoned(little bit salt added),have to take her to dog birthday parties every two months(dog party time) etc... She is very stubborn yet will be supporting you when ever you need someone and will stay right by your side ... She is very protective and can't tolerate anyone touching me(strangers)-she loves ones she knows espically kids and her temperateness with people she knows is very good and calm.We are like sisters now though it is very expensive keeping her I don't mind that cause I am the ultimate dog lover...
- Age 2 months
- Nicknames Pinky, sweety, mousy
- Dislikes Walking
- Foods canned cesar chicken
- Pastimes sitting and watching tv
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆