Meet Piper
At almost 3 years old, this little dog has more theatre experience than most high school thespians. Adopted at the Monterey County Animal Services Center, this mini-mutt is the best canine companion there is! She writes for a Carmel, CA periodical called "The Doggie Gazette", poses for photos in the Coastal Canine Magazine, and even gives back to the North Bay community by leading "Piper's Parade", a free weekly group dog walk. Her owner has experience training animals for the entertainment industry and hopes to soon have Piper earning her own kibble as a character dog on a TV sitcom as soon as possible. Too bad popularity doesn't pay the bills. Otherwise, we'd be curled up in the lap of luxury chewing on a bone. Please consider her for the winner of this contest. She is a VERY good girl.
- Age 3
- Nicknames The Pipe-ster & Mini-Monster
- Dislikes Hearing the passing of gas
- Foods Taste of the Wild ~ Lamb
- Pastimes Relaxing in the sun
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆