Panda's a rescue who loves life to the fullest. He was left by his previous family in a house that was being forclosed. They left him with no water or food for almost 10 days. He would have died if not for someone in the neighborhood hearing him cry/howl during a thunderstorm and calling the village police to investigate. He was extremely dehydrated and weak when the police opened the house to investigate. He only weighed 31 pounds when they put him on IVs. Panda is loved to pieces by all who know him and is the most compassionate dog of all our four-legged family members ever to adopt us. Even today he runs to us to be protected from lightening, thuinder and high winds. What a wonderful gentleman Panda is!
- Age 4
- Nicknames Pandy, My Boy
- Dislikes cruel people, school buses, dogs doing their business in his front yard, leashes
- Foods Science diet canned food, cat food, toast scraps, eggs, green breath treats, Dentastix
- Pastimes watching Animal Channel, lying in an open door staring outside into his yard, swimming, chewing plastic bottles and cardboard boxes
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆