Meet MiniCooper
Meet Mr. MiniCooper. Cooper is full of sunshine, always on some exotic adventure...then he loves to cuddle, under the blanket. He is ALWAYS happy, loyal, full of kisses. He still has playdates with his birth family, Mum, brother and aunty. He loves to run and play in the park, or field with them. Cooper is now a cover boy for a major retail store in Canda (shhh, we can't say which store till it's released) it's a long standing canada wide retail store...hint...famous blankets?? Cooper lives in Toronto, with his big sister Jayde, and can't wait for summer. We have camp...and his adventures begin from sun up to sun down. We are blessed to have Cooper in our can't help but love him or butterfly Cooper will be looking for how many votes, he gets.
- Age 4 months
- Nicknames Mini Cooper...Coop
- Dislikes nothing, really!!
- Foods he's a fathful boy of his healthy organic food, and treats
- Pastimes playing, fetching, running in the field, or park...or just laying in the sun in the back yard. and catching a nap in the garden :)
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆