Meet Max
Right after my husband and I got married, we decided a dog was the first order of business. We both come from animal loving families and felt we needed a dog to be complete. We spent quite a while trying to find that perfect puppy and we stumbled upon a flier that said there would be puppies available for adoption. We headed over to the pet store that weekend and that's when we found Max. After we saw him we immediately fell in love with his energetic yet affectionate personality. We were then told that his liter was rescued from a kill shelter that planned to euthanize all of the puppies. Without even a second guess, we took Max home that day. We later found out that Max had a bad worm infestation and had a stomach bug. It took a lot of care and nurturing to get Max healthy but it was well worth the wait. He is very spoiled and is one of the happiest dogs I've ever encountered. It's safe to say that Max is loving life with us in Key West, FL!
- Age 9 Months
- Nicknames Maximer, Maximillian, Moo, Maxwell
- Dislikes Getting yelled at, big dogs, 'the cage'
- Foods Anything really but peanut butter is by far the best, cake is also pretty good too. I love any kind of rawhide but I'm not a picky eater
- Pastimes I have to say my favorite pasttime was when I got to fly on a plane with my owners. There were so many people giving me attention and I even got my own seat in the front of the plane! It was very exciting and my belly was full after all the treats I got!
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆