Meet Mac Daddy
I work at a clinic in my hometown, and during the last weekend in July '08, we had a stray k9, hit by a car come in. He was in shock and almost dead. He was hit on the highway, and left on the side of the road. A nice man picked him up and raced to our clinic with him to save his life. It was a horrible sight. Mac was covered in fleas and ticks, crapping piles of worms, intact, emaciated, and had a rusty chain collar around his neck. His left fore leg was really chewed up, and we tried to suture all of his nerves back together as best that we could, hoping that they would mend and heal. He had numerous lacerations all over his body that we also sutured. Once he was in stable condition (after several weeks of recuperation) we had to amputate his left fore, since it just wasn't going to work again. He is now a tripod, and is doing great! No one ever claimed Mac, so I adopted him into my family of critters (4 cats, and a fish). He is now a very happy and healthy doggie!!
- Age 4
- Nicknames Mic Mac, Maccaroni, doodles
- Dislikes Not going for a walk
- Foods j/d, and any kind of doggie treat offered!
- Pastimes Playing with his toys!
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆