Meet Luther
Luther is a 3 and a half year old bronze Newfoundland. He weighs approximately 165-170 pounds. I own him plus two other Newfoundlands (one is his sister..and I adopted them both by way of a rescue). I was looking for a buddy to the Newfoundland I already had, when Luther and his sister came to my attention. I took them both. Recently I adopted the exotic shorthair in the picture. His name is Mugshot. My dogs had never been around cats so this was a first for them. Mugshot had been withe me for about 6 weeks hiding in the closet, but every chance Luther got, he would try to get as close to Mugshot as he could. Even sleeping in the crate next to him and on a few occasions he would try to get in the crate with the cat. On this particular day, Mugshot worked up enough nerve to stand on the arm of the couch and say hello up close. And Luther was more than happy to say hello back.
- Age me/45..... Luther 3 and half
- Nicknames Luther/Big Daddy/Big and Brown
- Dislikes nothing
- Foods Me/seafood...Luther anything
- Pastimes
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆