My brother found a strayed puppy in the back of his mail carrier's truck. He noticed there were noises in the back as he drove off, so he stopped to find this puppy eating his sandwich for lunch. He didn't know what to do, so he called me & ask for my advice. I posted flyers around the neighbors and took him to the animal shelter. The animal Tech told me I have an option to either keep him until his owner come forward or turn him in but if no one claims him, he's up for adoption or a possibilities of humanely euthanized if no one else adopt him. So I decided to take him home & fostered him back to health until his owner look for him. While waiting patiently, I took him to the VET, Dr. told me he's around 8 months. I named him LUCKY because he was found & not run over by automobiles. Fast forwarded to 7 months later, no one came forward. His unique abilities are fetching tennis balls & folded his puppy pad with his nose after he pooped. He's also mediator when other 2 other dogs growls or fighting. Lucky is a pup with many special talents & skills. Six years he's living a large and happy life.
- Age 6
- Nicknames Jai Jai
- Dislikes Fireworks & crackers
- Foods Roast jerky ducks
- Pastimes Sleep, Walk & Visit to Parks
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆