Meet "Little Bit"
This is "Little Bit". We call him that because he is such a small guy with such a HUGE personality. When I rescued him, I was told that he was "dumped" out on a highway and the person who brought him in to the shelter was only the "delivery" guy. His hair was so matted they had to chop it off and he was infested with fleas and of course flea bites! I have no idea what his pathetic circumstances were but I cried when I looked at him. I brought him home with me and now he lives in the lap of luxury. He brings nothing but joy to my life. "Itty Bitty has such a sense of humor and if he thinks that you think he is funny, he becomes even more humorous! He is definitely plugged in to the electrical socket for sure... this is what Papillons do and he keeps all of us on our feet, but I couldn't even imagine my life without him. "Itty Bitty" is kind of a hero around this house because he actually blessed us back by bringing my other puppy mill rescue, also a Papillon who was so emotionally damaged he didn't even know how to be a dog... he brought him out of his shell and showed him how to play, have fun and be a little dog. It will be a long road to go with this other Papillon Monty, but "Itty Bitty" is definitely showing him the ropes. After nine months, Monty is starting to show signs that yes, he might be getting ready to start trusting hoomans to love him like I know he wants so desperately.
- Age 2 1/2 years
- Nicknames "Itty Bitty" or "Little Bit"
- Dislikes the sound of the dishwasher while running
- Foods Honest Kitchen Dehydrated Raw and hot dogs!
- Pastimes Playing tug of war with the other dogs or cuddling on my lap
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆