Meet Lilly
Lilly is just over 1 yr. old, and somehow managed to learn more about life than I knew possible. She really does live the pampered life. While I worked on training her as a puppy, she worked on training me. I don't know who is more trained at this point. She loves to be groomed, brings me her brush when she thinks she needs it. She loves wearing dresses, runs to me if she sees me going through her clothes. You could call her a "girly girl" because she insits on wearing pink, refuses to wear something more than twice, does everything in her power to avoid dirt. She makes me laugh every day. I never know what to expect from her, there's always something new she either shows me or teaches me. She may sound like, and look like, a lot of fuss, but she is worth more than words can say. I don't mind how much care she needs or wants, I just love that she loves living with me, that she chose to come home with me when I looked at her at her breeder's. I love her so much, I will do anything for her. She has helped me in so many ways, I couldn't imagine life without Lilly.
- Age 1
- Nicknames Lillykins, babykins, miss kins
- Dislikes Only having one bow in her hair, anything involving dirt or the possibility of getting dirty, someone taking "her" chair getting in the way of the mirror
- Foods Neutro for small breeds, carrots, cheese, celery, peanut butter
- Pastimes Swishing her tail back and forth, looking out the window, hiding her brother's stuffed bunny
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆