
Husky mix

Meet Kaia

Kaia is a rescue dog. She is about four years young now and I rescued her when she was seven months old. The people that had her more than likely beat her bad. She was afraid of the car, she was even afraid of her own leash. Dogs should be excited when they see there leash..she wasn't. She still struggles but I will always be there for her and struggle with her. She's the best dog in the world. Mama and daddy and sister Stella love you Ky Ky

Facts About Me
  • Age 4
  • Nicknames Ky Ky, Kaiza, kaizer
  • Dislikes thunderstorms, bags, fireworks,
  • Foods carrots, ribs, my bones, pretty much anything and everything
  • Pastimes When mom and dad took me away from the mean people, playing with friends at mamas old work
Dogs Like Me
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
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