Meet JD and Questa
Size doesn't matter with these two; they are best of friends. They love going to the park and chasing each other. They also like to share dog food. Questa would wait patiently for Jimmy Dean (JD) to finish eating and when he is done eating, she'd go for the leftovers. We think JD purposely leaves Questa some dog food in the end. Adorable! After this ritual is over, Questa would go to her bowl and JD would follow. He would get up and reach for Questa's bowl to have some of her dog food too. They like playing tug of war. You'd think that Questa, being the big German Shepherd, would win all the time. But, nope! JD never backs down ( such a Doxie!). Furthermore, they like to play hide and seek. This one is obvious, JD hides and Questa tries to find him. As far as dislikes, they never want to be left home alone. Not even for an hour.
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆