
Australian Cattle Dog/German Shepherd Dog

Meet Jake

Channeling Ed the Hyena in this pic, Jake is a sweet rescue dog, a bit of a menace, constantly nipping at our heels, but brings us so much joy! Jake knows all the dogs in the neighbourhood and gets so excited to see his doggo friends. He loves to chase bubbles in the backyard and go hiking in the rocky mountains. He is very brave and would protect us against a bear, unless the bear had a vaccuum cleaner! Then he would run away!!!

Facts About Me
  • Age 1Year 8 months
  • Nicknames Jakey-Jujube, Jacob Lucifer,
  • Dislikes vegetables, coming when called, paddle boarding
  • Foods steak, cheese, and apparently rabbit poo in the park
  • Pastimes Playing with other dogs, digging in the yard, herding his people, chewing Mom's slippers
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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