Meet Ivy
Ivy, a female Golden Doodle is a college dog who enjoys the company of everyone around, and acts as a therapy dog. With a mix of playful energy and affection, she has the best personality and embodies both a Golden Retriever and Poodle. Her beautiful, soft fur is warm and cuddly. Ivy’s friendly, outgoing nature makes her the perfect dog for a girl in her 20s. Ivy is adaptable to the change that comes along with being a college dog and is the most well behaved girl, who alsoloves a fun snow day.
Facts About Me
- Age 2
- Nicknames Ives, Big Ives, Ivy Girl, Miss Girl
- Dislikes Being alone, when she doesn’t get any human food, not getting 100% attention.
- Foods Steak, chicken, salad, eggs, peanut butter
- Pastimes Being a puppy with all of her 9 siblings, playing in the grass everyday.
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