Meet Floyd & Beanie
Hi: This picture was taken with my friends cell phone. It was taken about 10 months was a good pic...nothing SPECIAL...or so we thought.. Another friend stopped by recently and picked up the picture...and she said "did you see the 3 dogs in this photo." I said "No there are only two Floyd and Beannie." She said "No look there are 3 dogs look." She was pointing to Floyd the Rottweiler/Mtn Bernese dog's White Bib...and to my absolute AMAZEMENT she was right!!! There is was as plain as image of another dog that was a part of Floyd's coat!!! Now if that wasn't incredible enough the image of the dog in his coat is not of any dog - it is of Beanie the dog pictured with him!!! Now that BLEW ME AWAY!!! We had never noticed the image in Floyd's coat before... Floyd is a Rescue Dog and has been with us for 1 1/2 years and Beanie is a 9 year old Pit Bull who we adopted from the Humane Society. Beanie is the sweetest dog I have ever encountered and spent 8 + months caged in need of a home. We adopted Beanie in Aug of 2009. Floyd apparently has carried this image of his girl-friend Beanie with him long before she joined our family...and I assume he will carry forever!! This picture is so fun as it is mother nature at its best!!! God Bless the Animals!!!
- Age 4 1/2 & 9 1/2
- Nicknames Big Dude & Lele
- Dislikes Ed - friend w/harley
- Foods French Toast w/blueberry syrup
- Pastimes sunbathing
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
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